Members of this entry are bacterial and archaeal RNA ligases that are able to ligate tRNA half molecules containing 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5' hydroxyl termini to products containing the 2',5' phosphodiester linkage. Each member of this family contains an internal duplication, each of which contains an HXTX motif that defines the family. The structure of a related protein is known [<cite idref="PUB00013642"/>]. They belong to the 2H phosphoeseterase superfamily [<cite idref="PUB00007407"/>]. They share a common active site, characterised by two conserved histidines, with vertebrate myelin-associated 2',3' phosphodiesterases, plant <taxon tax_id="3702">Arabidopsis thaliana</taxon> (Mouse-ear cress) CPDases and several several bacteria and virus proteins. 2',5' RNA ligase